

摘要:   随着康健生长战略的逐步推进 。  With the gradual advancement of the Healthy China development strategy.  智能康健小站逐

  随着康健生长战略的逐步推进 。

  With the gradual advancement of the Healthy China development strategy.

  智能康健小站逐渐走入医院、社区、墟落,被各人熟知 。它能的资助我们完成基础身体检测,并建设电子康健档案,很是利于自我康健治理 。

  Intelligent health websites are gradually entering hospitals, communities, and rural areas, becoming well-known to everyone. It can efficiently help us complete basic physical examinations and establish electronic health records, which is very beneficial for self health management.20230202080500251.jpg


  Advantages and Characteristics

  便捷康健检测 ;已往需要去医院或医疗机构才华完成康健检测项目,而智能康健小站的泛起实现了康健治理的便当,无需古板排队模式,无需事情职员输入数据,检测者自行选择检测项目,节约了大宗时间和精神 。

  Comprehensive and convenient health testing; In the past, it was necessary to go to a hospital or professional medical institution to complete health testing projects, but the emergence of intelligent health stations has made health management convenient, without the need for traditional queuing modes or staff to input data. Testers can choose their own testing projects, saving a lot of time and energy.

  2?? 发明潜在的康健问题,提高康健意识 ;检测数据可直接打印纸质报告,也会自动上传小程序,用户可以随时随地通过手机审查自己的康健状态和汇总数据,举行数据剖析 。

  2??  Identify potential health issues and raise health awareness; The detection data can be directly printed as a paper report or automatically uploaded to the mini program. Users can view their health status and summarize data anytime and anywhere through their mobile phones for data analysis.

  发明指标异常,实时咨询医生或接纳适当康健干预步伐 。

  If abnormal indicators are found, consult a doctor in a timely manner or take appropriate health interventions.

  3?? 数据共享增进医患相同和协作 ;检测数据可毗连医院HIS系统,自动上传医生诊间系统,数据共享助力分级诊疗,可以让医生更详细的相识到康健状态,增进了医患之间的相同与协作 。

  3??  Data sharing promotes communication and collaboration between doctors and patients; The detection data can be connected to the hospital's HIS system and automatically uploaded to the doctor's room system. Data sharing helps with graded diagnosis and treatment, allowing doctors to have a more detailed understanding of their health status and promoting communication and collaboration between doctors and patients.


  Applicable scenarios


  medical institution

  例如医院慢病一体化门诊、社区卫生效劳中心、墟落智慧康健站等 。借助智能康健小站完成患者的起源康健评估和数据收罗事情,为医生提供更的患者康健信息,增进诊断和的准确性 。

  For example, integrated outpatient clinics for chronic diseases in hospitals, community health service centers, and rural smart health stations. With the help of intelligent health stations, preliminary health assessments and data collection of patients can be completed, providing doctors with more comprehensive patient health information and promoting the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment.


  Community Health Management Center/Rehabilitation Center

  配备智能康健小站提供应社区住民/晚年人使用 。足不出户即可便捷举行康健检测和治理,这有助于社区治理者更好地相识社区住民的康健状态,并开展相关的康健宣教和干预运动 。

  Equipped with intelligent health stations for use by community residents/elderly people. Conveniently conducting health checks and management without leaving home helps community managers better understand the health status of community residents and carry out relevant health education and intervention activities.



  公司或企事业单位引进智能康健小站供员工使用 。员工关注自身康健状态,实时掌握自己的心理指标,并凭证建议举行调解和改善 。这有助于增强员工康健意识,提高事情效率和生涯质量 。

  Companies or enterprises introduce intelligent health stations for employees to use. Employees should pay attention to their own health status, timely grasp their physiological indicators, and make adjustments and improvements according to suggestions. This helps to enhance employees' health awareness, improve work efficiency and quality of life.


  Fitness Center

  健身房是使用智能康健小站的常见场合之一 。健身历程中监测自己的康健状态,如丈量血压、心率、体重等指标 。

  The gym is one of the common places to use smart health stations. Monitor one's health status during the fitness process, such as measuring blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and other indicators.

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