

摘要:   熏染病防控:在新型冠状病毒肺炎等熏染病防控中 ,大数据手艺被普遍应用于实时数据监测、医疗物资调理、疫情APP工具开发等方面 ,提升了公共卫生系统的应急处置惩罚和常态化防控能力。  Infectious d

  熏染病防控:在新型冠状病毒肺炎等熏染病防控中 ,大数据手艺被普遍应用于实时数据监测、医疗物资调理、疫情APP工具开发等方面 ,提升了公共卫生系统的应急处置惩罚和常态化防控能力。

  Infectious disease prevention and control: In the prevention and control of infectious diseases such as novel coronavirus pneumonia, big data technology is widely used in real-time data monitoring, medical material scheduling, epidemic situation APP tool development and other aspects, improving the emergency response and normalized prevention and control capabilities of the public health system.20200224062154359.jpg

  慢性病治理:通过电子病历和电子康健档案的数据筛选与剖析 ,能够有用识别熏染源的共性特征 ,洞察病毒的种类、特征、发病纪律、撒播途径与潜在威胁 ,为进一步确定病毒泉源与增强卫生防控提供主要依据。

  Chronic disease management: Through data screening and analysis of electronic medical records and electronic health records, it is possible to effectively identify the common characteristics of infectious sources, gain insight into the types, characteristics, incidence patterns, transmission routes, and potential threats of viruses, and provide important basis for further determining the source of viruses and strengthening health prevention and control.

  展望预警系统:建设重大卫生事务展望预警模子 ,凭证种种数据指标的变换趋势 ,提前展望出重大事务爆发的可能时间、地区和严重水平 ,以便提前做好准备事情。

  Prediction and early warning system: Establish a prediction and early warning model for major health events, predict the possible time, region, and severity of major event outbreaks in advance based on the changing trends of various data indicators, in order to prepare in advance.

  智能化救治与研发:大数据能够增进公共卫生领域救治与研发的智能化 ,提高用药的针对性与准确性 ,提升救治水平。

  Intelligent treatment and research and development: Big data can promote the intelligence of treatment and research in the public health field, improve the targeting and accuracy of medication, and enhance the level of treatment.

  危害监控及盛行病剖析:大数据应用研究涉及到危害和资源的展望、生齿治理、药品和医疗器械的监控等多个方面 ,这些方面大致可归纳综合为卫生保健和医疗效劳、危害监控及盛行病剖析两个基本事域。

  Risk monitoring and epidemic analysis: Big data application research involves multiple aspects such as risk and resource prediction, population management, and safety monitoring of drugs and medical devices. These aspects can be roughly summarized as two basic fields: healthcare and medical services, risk monitoring and epidemic analysis.


  Individual and group health management: The big data application model of individual and group chronic disease management is manifested as monitoring and evaluation of individual chronic diseases, personalized intervention, characterization of chronic disease group characteristics, development prediction, management evaluation, and monitoring

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