

摘要: 康健治理系统在体检机构施展的作用The role of health management system in physical examination institutions现代康健治理的理
The role of health management system in physical examination institutions
Concept and background of modern health management
现代康健治理理念是30多年前来泉源于美国,提出的是美国包管行业,10年前引入了 。现在已经越来越多的康健治理平台与体检**的体检事情融合在一起 。与古板医院差别的是,现代医院融入了企业的治理模式指导着体检**的体检事情,目的是凭证多条理的医学知识**检查患者的康健状态、及早发明病人的危险因素,再针对检查出来的效果对疾病举行评估、分级再通太过析制订响应的计划以及预防步伐 。现代康健治理理念的内在很是的富厚,单从字面上的明确是以康健治理为指导理念,目的是“健”,**是“康”,步伐是“管”,一连是“理” 。更深条理的看现代康健治理就是一人为**,控制疾病的发病率,及早接纳防治步伐,让人们坚持康健的身体是康健治理的使命 。
The concept of modern health management first came from the United States more than 30 years ago. It was first proposed by the American insurance industry and introduced to China 10 years ago. At present, more and more health management platforms have been integrated with the physical examination work of physical examination * *. Unlike traditional hospitals, modern hospitals integrate the management mode of enterprises to guide the physical examination work of physical examination * *. The purpose is to check the health status of patients according to multi-level medical knowledge * *, find out the risk factors of patients as soon as possible, and then evaluate and grade the disease according to the results of the examination, and then formulate corresponding treatment plans and preventive measures through analysis. The connotation of modern health management concept is very rich. The literal understanding is that health management is the guiding concept, the purpose is "health", "health", the measure is "management", and the continuity is "reason". At a deeper level, modern health management is an artificial * *, controlling the incidence rate of diseases, taking preventive measures as soon as possible, and keeping people healthy is the task of health management.
大大都体检者泛起身体不适的一些症状才会去医院举行体检,再针对泛起症状的部位以及相关部位举行系统检查,凭证确诊效果对疾病进一步制订计划 。但许多疾病泛起症状时病情已经希望到一定的阶段吃药已经控制不住需要入院甚手术 。这样的体检事情方法患者患病率不可获得控制 。
Most physical examiners will go to the hospital for physical examination only when they have some symptoms of physical discomfort, and then carry out systematic examination on the parts with symptoms and relevant parts, and further formulate treatment plans for the disease according to the confirmed results. But when many diseases appear symptoms, the condition has progressed to a certain stage. Taking medicine has been out of control and requires hospitalization or even surgery. The prevalence of patients can not be controlled by this way of physical examination.
体检**——提升**效劳:体检数据整合 ;对接数据接口,为用户自动建设康健档案,实现体检数据自动上传,用户信息自动分组,利便治理 。康健干预效劳 ;用户提供专属康健干预妄想,一连性推送康健信息,直接比照干预前后效果 。提高用户粘性 。康健危害评估 ;体检数据二次使用,人性化的增值效劳,有用预防慢病发病危害 。
Physical examination * * - improve * * services: physical examination data integration; Connect the data interface, automatically establish health files for users, automatically upload physical examination data, and automatically group user information for convenient management. Health intervention services; Users provide exclusive health intervention plans, continuously push health information, and directly compare the effects before and after the intervention. Improve user stickiness. Health risk assessment; The secondary utilization of physical examination data and humanized value-added services can effectively prevent the risk of chronic diseases.
康健治理系统用于体检**事情当中,体检不再是泛起症状才来就诊,而是准时检查 。坚持“以人为**”的效劳宗旨和治理理念,制订了康健体检的项目、实验方法、体检的效劳做出详细的妄想放案,凭证患者的需求随时作出响应的变换和一直刷新 。制订慢性疾病患者的治理妄想和增进康健的计划,并且对体检工具做好周全的随访效劳,给每位检查者建设康健的终身档案,每位患者都有牢靠的档案号,将疾病的情形纪录到档案里,时刻相识体检者的康健状态 。
The health management system is used in the physical examination * * work. The physical examination is no longer to see a doctor only when there are symptoms, but to check regularly. Adhering to the service tenet and management concept of "people-oriented * *", we have formulated the items, implementation methods and services of physical examination, made detailed plans and plans, and made corresponding changes and continuous improvements at any time according to the needs of patients. Formulate management plans and health promotion plans for patients with chronic diseases, provide comprehensive follow-up services for physical examination objects, and establish a healthy lifelong file for each examiner. Each patient has a fixed file number, record the condition of the disease in the file, and always understand the health status of the physical examiner.
The above is a detailed introduction to the community physical examination system. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service /