

摘要: 家庭医生签约效劳有哪些利益?图片What are the benefits of family doctors signing up for services? picture家庭医生签约服
What are the benefits of family doctors signing up for services? picture
家庭医生签约效劳原则上是接纳团队效劳的形式 ,主要由家庭医生、社区护士、公卫医师(含助理公卫医师)等组成 ,并有二级以上医院医师(含中医种别医师)提供手艺支持和营业指导。
In principle, the contracted service of family doctors is in the form of team service, which is mainly composed of family doctors, community nurses, public health doctors (including assistant public health doctors), and doctors in hospitals above level II (including doctors of traditional Chinese Medicine) provide technical support and professional guidance.
签约家庭医生效劳 ,可享受以下优惠效劳:
If you sign up for family doctor service, you can enjoy the following preferential services:
①基本**效劳  ;涵盖常见病和多发病的中西医诊治、合理用药、就医指导等。包括一样平常诊疗效劳、血压、血糖、心电图、血型检测等。
① Basic * * services; It covers the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases with traditional Chinese and Western medicine, rational drug use, medical guidance, etc. Including general diagnosis and treatment services, blood pressure, blood glucose, ECG, blood group detection, etc.
②公共卫生效劳  ;包括建设住民康健档案、康健教育、预防接种、儿童康健治理、孕产妇康健治理、晚年人康健治理、慢性病康健治理、严重神经病康健治理、结核病患者康健治理、中医药康健治理、熏染病和突发公共卫生事务报告和处置惩罚、卫生计生监视协管、提供避孕药具和康健行动。
② Public health services; It includes the establishment of residents' health records, health education, vaccination, children's health management, maternal health management, elderly health management, chronic disease health management, serious mental health management, health management of patients with tuberculosis, health management of traditional Chinese medicine, reporting and handling of infectious diseases and sudden public health events, health and family planning supervision and coordination, provision of contraceptives and health actions.
③康健治理效劳  ;对签约住民开展康健状态评估 ,在评估的基础上制订康健治理妄想 ,包括康健治理周期、康健指导内容、康健治理妄想效果评估等 ,并在治理周期内遵照妄想开展康健指导效劳等。
③ Health management services; Carry out health status assessment for contracted residents, formulate health management plan on the basis of assessment, including health management cycle, health guidance content, effectiveness evaluation of health management plan, etc., and carry out health guidance services according to the plan within the management cycle.
④康健教育与咨询效劳  ;家庭医生为签约住民提供康健生涯方法、可干预危险因素、熏染性病预防等康健教育知识。
④ Health education and advisory services; Family doctors provide contracted residents with health education knowledge such as healthy lifestyle, intervention risk factors and prevention of infectious diseases.
凭证签约住民的康健需求、季节特点情形等 ,通过门诊效劳、出诊效劳、网络互动平台等途径 ,接纳面扑面、社交软件、电话等方法提供个性化康健教育和康健咨询等。
According to the health needs and seasonal characteristics of contracted residents, personalized health education and health consultation are provided by face-to-face, social software and telephone through outpatient services, out-patient services and online interactive platforms.
⑤优先预约效劳  ;通过互联网信息平台预约、现场预约、社交软件预约等方法 ,家庭医生团队优先为签约住民提供本机构的专科科室预约、按期家庭医生门诊预约、预防接种以及其他康健效劳的预约效劳等。
⑤ Priority reservation service; Through Internet information platform reservation, on-site reservation, social software reservation and other methods, the family doctor team gives priority to providing the contracted residents with the appointment services of specialized departments, regular family doctor outpatient appointment, vaccination and other health services.
由家庭医生转诊 ,签约患者可以预约的形式优先到上级医院专科就诊。上级医院向家庭医生开放一定命目的号源。
Referred by family doctors, contracted patients can make an appointment to give priority to specialist treatment in higher-level hospitals. Higher level hospitals open a certain number of number sources to family doctors.
⑥优先转诊效劳  ;凭证签约患者病情 ,家庭医生资助其转诊到上级医院住院。上级医院向签约住民提供转诊便当。
⑥ Priority referral services; According to the contracted patient's condition, the family doctor helps him to be referred to the superior hospital for hospitalization. Superior hospitals provide referral convenience to contracted residents.
家庭医生团队要对接二级及以上**机构相关转诊认真职员 ,为签约住民开通绿色转诊通道 ,提供预留号源、床位等资源 ,优先为签约住民提供转诊效劳。
Provide referral services for residents and their families, and reserve the second level referral service channel for residents and referral teams above * *.
⑦出诊效劳  ;在有条件的地区 ,针对行动未便、切合条件且有需求的签约住民 ,家庭医生团队可在效劳工具栖身场合按规范提供可及的康复、照顾护士、安定疗护、康健指导及家庭病床等效劳。
⑦ Visiting service; In areas where conditions permit, the family doctor team can provide accessible services such as rehabilitation, nursing, hospice care, health guidance and family hospital bed in the living place of the service object for contract residents who are inconvenient to move, qualified and in need.
凭证相关划定 ,在切合相关诊疗效劳划定条件下 ,提供家庭病床、居家相关**、照顾护士及远程康健监测等效劳 ,爆发用度按医保相关政策报销。
According to relevant regulations, on the premise of meeting relevant diagnosis and treatment service regulations, provide family hospital bed, home related * *, nursing and remote health monitoring services, and the expenses incurred shall be reimbursed according to relevant policies of medical insurance.
The above is a detailed introduction to the family doctor signing system. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service /