

摘要: MR体检车的检查室有较量强的磁场,它成像原理有特殊性 。确保体检降低辐射 。需要告诉医护职员,体内有金属材质的置换物、植入物、药泵或
MR体检车的检查室有较量强的磁场,它成像原理有特殊性 。确保体检降低辐射 。需要告诉医护职员,体内有金属材质的置换物、植入物、药泵或异物,有身3个月内,需仪器维持生命体征 。身体有外置或内置物、人工枢纽的患者:是否装有心脏起搏器,不建议在MR体检车上面做检查的,须要时由眷属陪同,镇后再举行检查;见告申请医生并请其判断企业质料是否能检查;婴幼儿、神志不清或其他没有任何问题缘故原由剖析导致我们无法配合的患者:睡着后,由眷属陪同职员举行监视检查;幽闭恐惧症患者:在MR检查区域都有红色/黄色的醒目的志 。听从医护指示,不要带任何金属物品、手机等电子物品检查区内 。
The examination room of MR examination vehicle has a relatively strong magnetic field, and its imaging principle has particularity. Ensure physical examination to reduce radiation. First of all, we need to tell the medical staff that there are metal substitutes, implants, drug pumps or foreign bodies in the body. Within 3 months of pregnancy, we need the instrument to maintain vital signs. Patients with external or built-in objects and artificial joints: whether they are equipped with cardiac pacemaker. It is not recommended to check on the MR physical examination vehicle. If necessary, they shall be accompanied by their family members and then checked after the town; Inform the applicant doctor and ask him to judge whether the enterprise materials can be examined; Infants and young children, patients who are unconscious or other patients who are unable to cooperate due to the analysis of causes without any problems: after falling asleep, family members and accompanying personnel shall supervise and inspect; Claustrophobic patients: there are red / yellow eye-catching signs in the MR examination area. Follow the medical instructions and do not bring any metal items, mobile phones and other electronic items in the inspection area.
MR体检车上门检查前,身上不可有金属物品,手机,手表,打火机、眼镜、皮带、带金属圈的文胸等 。见告技师需要检查的部位 。随身携带的珍贵物品要保管好 。灯亮的时间体现有患者正在接受检查,不要私自翻开门 。扫描时间较长,平均耗时10-30分钟凭证检查部位差别,
Before the door-to-door inspection of Mr physical examination car, there shall be no metal objects, mobile phones, watches, lighters, glasses, belts, bras with metal rings, etc. Inform the technician of the parts to be inspected. Take good care of your valuables. When the light is on, it means that a patient is undergoing examination. Do not open the door without authorization. The scanning time is long, with an average time of 10-30 minutes. According to the different examination parts,