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The information construction of graded diagnosis and treatment should fully consider the needs of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation such as patient appointment, treatment, up transfer and down transfer, and design a seamless information module. For example, the signing module is the premise and foundation of general practice signing and graded diagnosis and treatment, including signing, renewal, termination (suspension), change, referral and other operations. The appointment module has two meanings. One is the appointment between the signing object and the signing doctor, which is called the first appointment; Second, the contracted doctor or contracted institution makes an appointment for diagnosis and treatment in the superior medical institution instead of the patient, which is called referral appointment. The referral module includes up referral (outpatient referral, emergency referral, examination referral, inpatient referral), down referral, rehabilitation referral and discharge referral.
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Through the module design of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment information system, the medical resources in the region are managed as a whole, which is convenient for the centralized release, distribution and adjustment of resources. Medical and health institutions at all levels in this region can query and apply for various resources in real time, manage and arrange the medical treatment behavior of the contracted objects, form a closed loop of disease diagnosis and treatment among medical and health institutions at all levels, and improve the accuracy of disease diagnosis and treatment.
Information system is also a platform for interaction with the public. Provide residents with queries on medical treatment, medication, inspection reports, health files and other information in the form of website and mobile client (APP); Provide appointment and registration services at different times, and the contracted residents can interact with the general practitioner, and provide health education, questionnaire and other services; Residents can check the personal first visit appointment and referral appointment in real time, and change and cancel the appointment information online. Make full use of the existing comprehensive management platform to avoid repeated construction; We should fully consider the design of assessment indicators for graded diagnosis and treatment, and clarify the quantitative data to be collected according to the assessment indicators.
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Assessment indicators include signing rate, signing awareness rate, signing doctor awareness rate, signing doctor treatment rate, appointment outpatient rate, appointment arrival rate, appointment referral rate, etc. assessment indicators are selectively set according to the phased work priorities. With these indicators, the medical and health institutions can analyze and supervise the signing, first diagnosis and referral, and the health administrative department can also effectively supervise and manage the subordinate medical and health institutions, and provide scientific, detailed and continuous electronic data for the performance evaluation of institutions, departments and individuals. Build a diagnosis, treatment and medical service platform connected by f-b-d (family, institution and doctor)
Vigorously promote the family doctor service model, adhere to the family doctor first visit system (rather than the "grass-roots first visit"), and truly enable family doctors to implement the whole process, continuous and personalized health management and care for residents. This is not only conducive to the health of residents, but also conducive to the harmonious doctor-patient relationship, and even the construction of a harmonious society. When every resident has his own "health doctor", the happiness index of residents will naturally increase. Speed up the construction of information system.
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