

摘要: 通过康健体检系统 ,可实现体检软件与HIS、LIS、PACS仪器装备的对接 ,实现体检中心全程信息化、自动化、无纸化治理 ,能够极大提高事情效率 ,
通过康健体检系统 ,可实现体检软件与HIS、LIS、PACS仪器装备的对接 ,实现体检中心全程信息化、自动化、无纸化治理 ,能够极大提高事情效率 ,显著改善体检质量 。康健体检系统的优势主要有以下几点:
Through the health examination system, the docking of the examination software with HIS, LIS and PACS instruments and equipment can be realized, and the whole process information, automation and Paperless office management of the examination center can be realized, which can greatly improve the work efficiency and significantly improve the quality of physical examination. The advantages of a health examination system mainly include the following:
镌汰职员本钱:小我私家、整体挂号便捷 ,可自动收罗信息 ,或通过导入excel表一键处置惩罚 ,镌汰职员手工录入 ,只管阻止输入过失
Reduce personnel costs: Individual and group registration is convenient, and information can be automatically collected or processed with one click by importing Excel tables, reducing manual input by personnel and minimizing input errors as much as possible
提高事情效率和质量:数字化收罗和处置惩罚方法 ,包管了体检信息的准确性和信息转达的性;实时监控营业流程 ,各环节清晰明晰 ,提高体检质量及事情效率 。
Improving work efficiency and quality: The digital collection and processing method ensures the accuracy of physical examination information and the efficiency of information transmission; Real time monitoring of business processes, with clear and clear links, improves the quality of physical examinations and work efficiency.
规范体检结论 ,书面整齐:阳性体征 ,科室小结 ,体检结论和建议越发规范、统一;已往手写数据经常由于差别医生的字迹 ,使体检者拿到自己的体检档案后难以区分字迹内容 ,而电脑天生的体检报告 ,字迹工致 ,体检数据和医生建议都一目了然 ,支持自界说word报告模板 。
Standardize medical examination conclusions, write neatly: positive signs, department summary, medical examination conclusions and recommendations are more standardized and unified; In the past, handwritten data often made it difficult for examiners to distinguish the handwriting content after obtaining their own medical records due to the handwriting of different doctors. However, computer-generated medical reports have neat handwriting, and the medical data and doctor's advice are all clear at a glance, supporting custom Word report templates.
信息汇总、调取利便:通过体检信息系统 ,每一个科室之间都通过电脑网络毗连 ,在总检电脑上便可以盘问所有科室的体检信息 ,汇总利便 。
Convenient information collection and retrieval: Through the physical examination information system, each department is connected through a computer network, and the physical examination information of all departments can be queried on the general examination computer, making it convenient to summarize.
大数据治理:通过信息系统可建设小我私家体检档案 ,具有强盛的统计、剖析功效 ,实现数据贮存、盘问、统计、剖析、导出等功效 ,可天生种种报表 。
Big data management: personal physical examination files can be established through the information system, which has powerful statistics and analysis functions, realizing data storage, query, statistics, analysis, export and other functions, and can generate various reports.