
康健小屋实验 的意义是什么 ?

摘要: 康健小屋作为网络医院在院外的主要组成部分 ,主要位于社区及大型团检企业内。由大型医院选点建设 ,相助企业提供标准化建设、配套效劳 ,与医
康健小屋作为网络医院在院外的主要组成部分 ,主要位于社区及大型团检企业内。由大型医院选点建设 ,相助企业提供标准化建设、配套效劳 ,与医院康健治理平台互联互通。
As an important part of the network hospital outside the hospital, the health cabin is mainly located in the community and large group inspection enterprises. Large hospitals are selected for construction, and cooperative enterprises provide standardized construction and supporting services, which are interconnected with the hospital health management platform.
《社区卫生效劳中效劳能力评价指南2019版》指出 ,康健小屋的基础设置主要有:盘算机硬件及网络、身高体重仪、血压计、血糖仪、腰围仪、康健评估一体机、视力表、糖尿病视网膜筛查仪、超声骨密度检测仪、肺功效检测仪等5 种以上装备 ,并且数据与公共卫生信息系统互联互通。
The guideline for service capability evaluation in community health services (2019 Edition) points out that the basic configuration of the health cabin mainly includes more than five kinds of equipment: computer hardware and network, height and weight meter, sphygmomanometer, blood glucose meter, waist circumference meter, health assessment all-in-one machine, visual acuity chart, diabetes retina screening instrument, ultrasonic bone mineral density detector, lung function detector, and the data are interconnected with the public health information system.
社区卫生效劳机构里设“康健小屋” ,住民在家门口就可以丈量血压、血糖甚评测精神压力等康健指标 ,这些数据通过互联网传到大医院的信息平台后 ,可长时间贮存 ,住民也可获得大医院医生提供的在线康健评测和康健指导等。
The community health service institutions set up a "health cabin". Residents can measure blood pressure, blood glucose and even evaluate mental stress and other health indicators free of charge at their home. These data can be stored for a long time after being transmitted to the information platform of large hospitals through the Internet. Residents can also obtain online health evaluation and health guidance provided by doctors of large hospitals.
社区康健小屋一体是社区医疗机构效劳群众的有用步伐 ,通过康健小屋效劳 ,有利于社区施展“防、治、保、康、教、计”六位一体的职能 ,有利于建设慢病综合树模区的落实 ,进而有利于“看病难、看病贵”问题。
The integration of community health huts is an effective measure for community medical institutions to serve the masses. Through the service of health huts, it is conducive to the community to give play to the six in one function of "prevention, treatment, protection, health, education and planning", to the implementation of the establishment of a comprehensive demonstration area for chronic diseases, and to solve the problem of "difficult and expensive medical treatment".
慢性病的防治与治理是恒久的 ,甚是终身的。引入康健小屋可提高对疾病的早期干预、疗效评估、疾病展望和防病治病水平。有利于增进社区医疗机构建设康健档案 ,筛查慢性病人 ,开展视察、和随访事情。
The prevention and management of chronic diseases are long-term, even lifelong. The introduction of health cottage can improve the level of early intervention, efficacy evaluation, disease prediction, disease prevention and treatment. It is conducive to promoting community medical institutions to establish health records, screen chronic patients, and carry out observation, treatment and follow-up.
社区康健小屋一体提倡防治并举 ,对糖尿病、高血压等慢性病患者及其高危群体保存的康健危险因素举行检测评估和指导 ,通过量化饮食和运动等非药物干预手段 ,资助他们建设新的康健的生涯方法 ,从而抵达降低血糖、血压、体重、血脂等代谢杂乱指标 ,实现控制疾病及其并发症的爆发和生长、改善康健效果 ,镌汰医疗用度 ,提高生涯质量的目的。
The community health cottage advocates both prevention and treatment, tests, evaluates and guides the health risk factors of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension and their high-risk groups, and helps them establish a new healthy lifestyle through quantitative diet, exercise and other non drug interventions, so as to reduce the metabolic disorders such as blood glucose, blood pressure, weight and blood lipid, and control the occurrence and development of diseases and their complications To improve the health effect, reduce medical expenses and improve the quality of life.
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